
Moral harassment; bullying; organizational culture


In labor organizations, moral harassment has been worsening in the last few years and it has called the attention of professionals of a wide range of areas, such as medicine, law and psychology, because this phenomenon involves repeated incidents or a pattern of behavior that intends to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group of people. The aim of this work is to evaluate how the organizational culture can enhance moral harassment at work. The sample was composed of a hundred and fifty bank workers and a hundred and fifty private practice workers, with ages between eighteen and forty-nine years old and an average social class. The instrument used consists on the application of a questionnaire to measure the incidence level of moral harassment at work in terms of auto perception. It was used the NAQ-R and to analyze the kind of organizational culture we used FOCUS-93. In order to evaluate the relationship existent between organizational culture and moral harassment we followed two lines of orientation, one based on the Quinn’s competing values model and the other one based on the theory of moral harassment of Hirigoyen. The obtained results showed that the organizational culture enhances moral harassment and the goals’ culture is the predominant one. According to Heinz Leymann (1996) this type of culture valorizes stability and control, as orientation to competitiveness in the organization. This culture has an explanative variation of 90% of t

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