Retail – Retailing – Retail Services – Customer Satisfaction
Retailing is the set of activities that markets products or services to final consumers for their own personal or household use. Retailing does activities by organizing availability of products and services on a relatively large scale and supplying them to customers on a relatively small scale. Retail service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction i.e., the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Its importance varies by product, industry and customer; for instance, defective or broken merchandise can be exchanged. In order to find out the correlation between retail customer service and sales of the retail outlet, this study has been undertaken. The objective is to review different retail services offered by retailers in India. The study also attempts to find out customer satisfaction levels with respect to retail services and to find out impact of retail services on sales. Finally there are recommendations for better retail value added services to the customers
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