Extraversion personality, Neurotic personality, Agreeable personality, Openness to experience, Conscientious personality, Customer relationship management and customer satisfaction.
Since many years ago, customer satisfaction is a common subject for organizations because it makes organization success and also many researchers consider customer relationship management as an essential factor on customer satisfaction. In this study, we want to identify the relationships between customer personality, perceived customer relationship management and customer satisfaction. Statistical universe is customers of Melli Bank of Kerman, Iran and sample contains 80 individuals of whom. We used library method to collect literature and data obtained a questionnaire with 28 questions. Pearson correlation and Regression relation between Extraversion personality customer, Neurotic personality customer and perceived customer relationship management. There is a positive relation between Agreeable personality, Conscientious personality customer, Openness to experience customer and perceived customer relationship management. Also, there is a positive relation. Results of this study can help to organization to be success by understanding differences between customers.
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