Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), Indian Commercial banks, Branches
According to survey conducted by Retail Banking Research, the number of ATMs world wide as on 2005 were 1,544,853, which may cross two millions by the end of 2001. This figure clearly, shows the tremendous growth of ATMs during the years. Very interesting to see Asia Pacific region found the largest regional ATM market with 32.30 per cent of the global ATM market. The ATM density in India is far lower than that of the other developing countries, however ATM installation is growing at a rapid pace in the county. Currently India has an ATM penetration of about 0.04 per 1,000 people. In India, Nationalized banks accounted for the largest share of the total installed ATMs. With regard to the installation of the off-site ATMs New Private Sector Banks had a largest share while nationalized banks occupied largest share in onsite ATMs installation. Some banks have started mobile ATMs in order to reach remote areas that may not have a large enough population. Interestingly the ratio of ATMs to total branches of the respective branches is tremendously increased after 2005
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