Entrepreneurial competencies, Psychological capital, Working capital management and Perceived market share.
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies, Psychological capital, Working capital management and perceived market share. This study was focused on Dar es Salaam region. It attempts to explore the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies, psychological capital, working capital management and perceived market share of SME’s. A sample of 384 SME’s was selected using cross sectional, qualitative and quantitative survey design was undertaken. The research findings of the correlation coefficient of the total sample of (384) revealed that there is a positive relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and perceived market share, Negative relationship between psychological capital and perceived market share, negative relationship between working capital and perceived market share. Entrepreneurial competencies and perceived market share however results from the regression analysis revealed that only entrepreneurial competencies was the only significant predictor of perceived market share. Using this finding, SME are recommended to ensure that entrepreneurial competencies is developed since this finding has revealed that the presence of entrepreneurial competencies in SME’s will predict perceived Market Share.
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