Consumer satisfaction, Kano model, nostalgic emotion, Packaging design, Multiple-attribute decision making
Product packaging design has become one of the most powerful tools in the marketing communications mix to delight consumers. Evoking nostalgic feelings through design can generate positive emotions to enhance consumer satisfaction effectively. The purpose of this study is to explore the different impact of nostalgic emotions on consumer satisfaction with rice packaging design. The questionnaire survey was conducted to gather the consumer s’ emotion evaluations and overall satisfaction on nostalgic packaging. The factor analysis was used to explore the consumers’ emotional experience dimensions, from which two factors: stirring emotion and historical emotion were identified. Then the two-dimensional Kano model was conducted. The 11 nostalgic emotions were categorized as different Kano’s classifications, including must-be quality, one-dimensional quality, attractive quality and indifference. This implies that there exist linear and non-linear relationships between nostalgic emotion performance and consumer satisfaction. Based on the result of Kano categorization can help designers to better understand consumer requirements, to identify the critical and high-return factors of satisfaction with nostalgia. It also can help designers determine the priority to resolve the trade-offs dilemma in multiple-attribute decision making.
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