
Consumer ethnocentrism; dogmatism; conservatism; world-mindedness


The concept of consumer ethnocentrism can improve the understanding of how consumers evaluate domestic and foreign products. Consumer ethnocentrism can be considered as a global trend; however, there are differences in ethnocentric tendencies expressed by consumers from different countries. Yet, little is known about consumers from developing countries. The present study has the purpose of exploring ethnocentrism amongst consumers in Jordan. Moreover, it investigates what leads Jordanians to consumer ethnocentrism through examining the influence of demographic and socio-psychological variables on consumer ethnocentrism. Results based on an analysis of data relating to 272 responses indicate that Jordanians show high ethnocentric tendencies towards their domestic products. However, the empirical results in this study confirm that consumer ethnocentrism can be found in developing countries where foreign products are likely to be preferred over local products. Overall, Jordanian consumers demonstrated a unique case of how socio- psychological and demographic variables influence consumer ethnocentrism. The impact of socio- psychological and demographic variables on consumer ethnocentrism may be country or culture specific. However, consumer ethnocentrism for Jordanians appears to be fuelled by conservatism. Age, regional location and gender have positive significant influences on consumer ethnocentrism. Alternatively, world-mindedness and educational level have negative significa

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