
Social media, Facebook, Fast-food advertising, Young consumers, Consumers' attitudes towards advertising, Engagement with advertisements, Egypt.


The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that affect young Egyptian consumers' attitudes towards fast-food advertising in Facebook which is considered the most widely used social media network. 4 focus groups were conducted with young consumers from 2 Egyptian cities. Content analysis was applied for the Egyptian fast-food Facebook fan pages with the aid of the NVivo software. The findings of this exploratory study have shown that young consumers are accepting the idea of fast food advertising in Facebook. Moreover, the research provides a framework for the factors that lead to consumers' engagement with the advertisements on Facebook. With the increase in the popularity of social media websites among the young generation, fast-food marketers find it a more effective medium for advertising for their chains among that segment. The research provides insights for marketers to make their advertisements more effective on Facebook. The participants in the focus groups were young consumers in Egypt. It would be useful to expand the sample and conduct the research in other developing and developed countries with more consumers from other age groups. Consumer attitude towards advertising as a topic generates interest from academics and practitioners in looking at analysis of the effectiveness and success of advertisements in social media. Therefore this research adds value in that, so far, there is very little academic literature on this particular topic exam

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