Impulse, impulse buying, narcissism, novelty, freedom
Purpose -This study explores various internal motivating factors of impulse buying phenomenon in Indian context. This study is aimed at obtaining consumer insights, so as to provide an inclusive conceptualization of this marketing phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach -Data for this research was obtained through in-depth interviews. Since, the purpose of these interviews was exploration, the researcher collected data till it reached saturation (point beyond which further research was not adding any new insights) and so there was no fixed sample size. Sampling technique used in this case is purposive sampling. A total of 56 in-depth interviews were conducted with men and women (age group 25-40 & residing or working close to malls and markets in the region). The analysis of these interviews was done using Open analysis . These interviews were able to provide fresh, non-obvious ways of understanding the internal motivations of an impulse buyer. Research implications -This study extends the existing knowledge base by establishing the significance of internal motivating factors of ‘impulse buying’ – happiness, narcissism, freedom and novelty. Earlier studies on ‘impulse buying’ have focused on external motivating factors and internal motivating factors have largely remained unresolved. Practical implications -This paper provides interesting insights for retail marketers to further enhance the possibilities of impulse buying. Originality/Value – Notwithstand
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