Shopping malls, customers, architectural factors, Malaysian shopping mall industry.
This study is aimed at evaluating the architectural factors attracting customers to shop in the Malaysian shopping malls. Studies in the past, focused attention primarily on the provisions of various shopping items that attract customers to a mall without given due considerations to the architectural factors. The architectural factors were evaluated using five point Liker scales, which is used to obtain mean scores of the factors that attract customers. A questionnaire survey was administered to major customers patronizing Malaysian shopping malls. The customers were randomly selected. The architectural factors attracting customers to shop in the Malaysian shopping malls were ranked using Friedman’s comparison test. The results indicated significant differences in the customers ranking of the factors. This study is limited to the customers patronizing Malaysian shopping malls. The study provided the criteria for an evaluation of the architectural factors that attract customers to shop in the malls. The study also provides information to the developers of shopping malls in developing countries for an improved business growth. The study created bases for self-evaluation and competition among the developers of shopping malls for the enhancement of productivity and general contribution to the country’s GDP. This study emanated from the governmental reports and past research in the area of retailing businesses in Malaysia. Finally, the study recommended developing shopping malls in certain locations, provision of facilities and services and constructions of malls with high quality materials and nice aesthetics beautification.
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