Indian retail; retail service quality; gap analysis; RSQS
Customer perceived service is considered as one of the key determinants of business performance. In the process of creating this differentiation, the role of delivery of quality services is very vital. So far, in the Indian context, there is a dearth of tested instruments which can measure customer-perceived service quality of a retail store. Application of quality measurement scales, in Indian context, particularly retail service quality, is yet very limited. In order to understand the driving factors of a typical Indian retail customer, the key objective of this study was to empirically test the service quality dimensions. The study also opined to carry out the gap analysis and identify the areas for improvements in retail service quality. The instrument proposed by Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz (1996) RSQS(Retail Service Quality Scale) was used as the questionnaire with the addition of two more variables which were found to be relevant for the Indian context after a pilot survey among small group of consumers. A 5-point Likert scale (1-strongly disagree, 5-strongly agree)was employed to measure the service quality of the retail shop. The findings of the RSQS in India are thus different from those of Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz.
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