
Family control, internal control, firm performance


The majority of companies listed on IDX are family companies, which have several advantages and disadvantages that affect firm performance. The results of previous studies on the influence of family firms are still inconsistent.

This study aims at determining the effect of family control as measured by family ownership and family involvement on the corporate performance; and describing the influence of internal control as performed by independent commissioner and audit committee on the performance of family firms with the control variables are firm size and firm age. The population of this study was all family companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Meanwhile, the sample used was purposive sampling. There were 76 companies from the entire family companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2010 to 2014 which met the criteria so that the overall observed data were 380.

The analysis tool used was a multiple linear regression. The results show that partially, family ownership, independent commissioner and the control variables, firm size and age, have a positive and significant impact on the firm performance. On the other hand, respectively, family involvement and audit committee have a significantly negative and insignificantly negative impact on the performance of the company.

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