Chrysanthemums, market actor’s response, flower colour, economic value.
Chrysanthemum flowers are a commodity with a chance to be developed. The colour of chrysanthemum flowers determines its economic value, thus becoming a major factor in choosing which types of flowers to be cultivated. This is a survey research. This research was carried out on market actors in Special Region of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) and Central Java to obtain the preference of chrysanthemum flowers market in supporting Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) as the centre of chrysanthemum seeds and cut flowers. Market survey is also used to know the types of chrysanthemum flowers that consumers need. Research results showed that the largest consumer of cut flowers come from office workers that happen to be loyal customers. Yellow and white chrysanthemums are the most commonly selected flowers by consumers as they are believed to create a sense of social energy and hope, as well as being able to stimulate mental activities and are generally attractive.
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