
Results-based stakeholders; re-positioning; business sustainability, expectancy value-net framework; sustainability centricity.


Business Sustainability retroverts a stakeholder issue into economic value, productive results, that creates value or wealth (Wheeler, Colbert, & Freeman, 2003). This paper aspires to allocate results-based objectivity to stakeholder re-positioning for business to generate value for sustainable term. This is challenging as the evolution of results-based approach needs arduous capacity-building in response to global business sustainability issues (Balogh, St-Pierre & Di Pippo, 2017). Classical concepts of shareholder wealth maximization have three domains, namely, normative, instrumental and descriptive theory (Donaldson & Preston, 1995). The three is adapted in this research to be depicted as value-net framework (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 2011). The value-net introduces a number of inter-relationships that fosters co-adaptation and shared value creation (Dagnino & Padula, 2002). The architecture focuses primarily on the actors in any generic business environment and especially on the entities’ results-based orientation. The expectancy-value model may be appropriate here to relate values that stakeholders aspire to responses from business actions with respect to situations (Feather, 1990). This postulation attempts to relate relationship of three parameters, results-based stakeholders, options to repositioning and value-net for business sustainability. The left side is the independent variable nomenclatured as results-based stakeholders, the middle part is the re-positioning vector and the right-hand side represents the dependent variable, value-net for business sustainability. The outcome is the business sustainability matrix. In deciding on how to align expectancy value-net with intermediary dynamics for re-positioning, interests of the stakeholders and the firm should co-evolve. There are several reference frames. These reference frames can be linked to various steps in which stakeholder expectations form and manifest themselves. The first stage of the development of stakeholder expectations occurs necessarily on the level of individuals, as they are affected by the actions of organizations and evaluate all firms in their reach with respect to their behaviour.

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