Halal label, country of origin, purchase behavior, frozen food, imports
The research aimed to examine the influence of the halal label, and the role of country of origin as an independent variable and moderator variable on the purchase behavior of the imported frozen foods. The research was conducted in North Sumatera, and the measurement of respondent numbers was based on the sampling fraction from sub-districts in Medan. Data collected from 110 respondents with definite criteria. Analysis of the data was applied the moderate regression analysis. The results of the research found that the halal label had a positive and significant effect on the purchase behavior. Furthermore, the country of origin also had an effect on purchase behavior. The role of country of origin as a moderator variable had a positive and significant impact on the halal label and purchase behavior of the imported frozen food. The negative value of country of origin could reduce the impact of a halal labeling on purchase behavior of the imported frozen food . The country of origin as a "quasi"-moderator meant it could use it as an independent variable or moderator variable. The authors recommend that institutions issued the Halal certificate collaborate with LPPOM-MUI. This case intended to anticipate the suspicions of Muslim communities in Indonesia.
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