
M-marketing, Trust Factor, Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness, Technology Acceptance Model,


This study aims to identify and understand factors that affect to acceptance M -marketing among Jordanian citizen. This study integrates technology acceptance model (TAM) with Trust factor. The primary data were collected from 1950 valid questionnaires, which were distributed, to random Jordanian citizen in three cities. The analyses of the gathered data employed the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The validity of the final overall model was evaluated using the statistics and acceptable fit of the measurement model to the data has been demonstrated. Based on the outcomes, the factors with the highest direct effect on Intention to use M- marketing appeared to be Attitude toward using M -marketing, while the factor with the highest indirect effect on Intention to use M- marketing appeared to be Compatibility. The main findings of the study are: trust factor has a positive and significant impact on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Ease of use and perceived usefulness has the stronger impact on customers' attitude, which in turn influences customers' intention to use M -marketing services.

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