Mobile advertising, consumer acceptance, consumer permission, purchase intention, Saudi Arabia
Advertising is experiencing rapid technological changes that have led to digitalization of media, consequently resulting in the emergence of new media types, such as mobile phones. This has facilitated the easy spread of advertisements among consumers and allowed interaction with them in an easier manner. However, to fully utilize the potential of the mobile phone as an advertising channel, marketers must understand its unique and relevant characteristics and the different approaches that consumers use to interact with this channel. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between message relevance, information value, message receiving time, and consumers’ permission to receive advertising messages as independent variables and consumers’ acceptance of mobile advertising and subsequent effect on purchase intention of promoted products or services using mobile advertising. Based on the information obtained from 205 respondents of Saudi Arabia, the present study attempts to examine the relationship between message relevance, information value, message receiving time, and consumers’ permission to receive advertising messages on consumers’ acceptance of mobile advertising and subsequent intention to purchase of promoted products using mobile advertising.
The findings of the study indicate the positive relationship between informational value, receiving time and consumer permission in consumers’ acceptance of mobile advertising. The present study recommends that marketers should pay attention to drivers and obstacles of mobile advertising as a significant marketing tool that influences brand image, competitiveness, and long-term success.
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