Behavioural intention, behavioural outcomes, educational contents, planned behaviour, social entrepreneurs, ventures creation
This study examines the influence of social entrepreneurship pedagogy on the behavioural outcomes of the Nigerian universities’ students; regarding their attitudes, intentions and behaviours towards social venture creation. The Nigeria university system is producing graduates as employees rather than employers of labour. Insights were drawn from the theory of planned behaviour and theory ‘U’ in this inquiry. The principles of quantitative and correlational methods were combined in an explanatory research design. The multivariate statistical analyses used in this study are exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, structural equation modelling as well as model fit indices. The results point to a significant positive relationship between social entrepreneurial pedagogy and students behavioural outcomes in the Nigerian universities. Results also show that pedagogical contents exert the greatest influence on students’ intentions towards creating social ventures. Students’ attitudes mediate the relationship between social entrepreneurial pedagogy and students’ behavioural outcomes in Nigeria.
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