Universitie's perception, student's expectations, Marketing, Private University,Pubic University, Strategy
This article looks at the awareness of the importance of marketing in four Universities in Chiang Mai. Whilst the study is about marketing the focus is on the awareness of the student’s expectations by the senior staff and other staff of the Universities. The main thesis underpinning this article is that to successfully market themselves the universities should make it their business to know the expectations that the students bring about their universities. If there is ‘incongruence’ or a wide gap between what the students expect and what the senior staff and other staff think what the students expect. There is a danger that the students will feel let down and in the long run it will affect the standing of the Universities. The samples were from Four Universities and a survey method based on a specially designed questionnaire was used. On the whole the Four Universities were not keeping marketing themselves as the academics probably think that they must not sell their universities. However when asked if they were getting the quality of students they wanted and the numbers, only Chiang Mai University agreed, the other three did not feel that they were attracting either the quality or the numbers they needed. The Universities did not keep a people and data base of students in terms of age, gender, background, and other data which would give them a better idea of where their students are coming from. The university senior staff and other staff’s ideas of what their
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