
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Customer Loyalty (CL), Telecommunication Industry, Qatar.


This study aims at examining the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Customer Loyalty (CL) within the Telecommunication sector in the State of Qatar, the market in Qatar consists of two telecommunication providers; Ooredoo Qatar and Vodafone Qatar. Moreover, the study examines whether selected demographics (gender, age, income level and educational level) play any role in moderating the potential relation between CSR and CL. In order to accomplish this, the study utilized a descriptive analytical methodology and a quantitative research approach utilizing survey strategy. Using personally submitted questionnaires, 476 filtered and screened questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software. The study revealed that customers perceived CSR activities as an essential element for them and for the operating organizations as well, moreover their awareness of such activities was salient through their responses to the questionnaire in place, and as a result, CSR activities were found to have a positive direct significant impact on CL. As for the suggested demographics, gender, age, and educational level didn’t play any significant effective role in moderating the impact of CSR on CL. On the other hand, the Income Level slightly enhanced the original relationship between CSR and CL, as the higher the income level, the more CSR activities impact CL. Based on the results of the study, the researchers recommend that telecommunication providers should continue conducting CSR activities and focus more on ethical, economic, and environmental dimensions of CSR. Providers should also work on communicating their CSR activities to the public and customers to increase customer loyalty and maintain their market share. Recommendations for future research based on the results are also provided.

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