Mobile banking, Customer service, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the antecedents of the adoption of mobile banking. A modification of the technology acceptance model (TAM) was adopted in order to test hypothesised relationships. Past literature on mobile banking was reviewed for the study. The study was quantitative in nature whereby 320 respondents participated in an online survey regarding their views on the adoption of mobile banking products and services. Convenience sampling, a form of non-probability sampling was employed for purposes of the study in order to select appropriate participants through the aid of screening questions. The study focused on the perception that customers had towards the use of mobile banking mainly regarding its usefulness as a banking service. Key findings from the study were that intention to use mobile banking was seen to play a prominent role in customer’s actual usage of mobile banking. This possibly suggested that customers that already had the intention to use mobile banking ended-up using the service. The relationship strength between the knowledge of mobile banking and perceived usefulness was the equivalent to that of the ease of using of mobile banking and the attitudes towards mobile banking. Perceived usefulness and ease of use were both used as mediators between the knowledge of mobile banking and attitudes towards mobile banking. It was observed that the former had more influence on attitudes than the latter.
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