Business environment, Organization factor, RFID, Technology, Efficiencies, Performance
This research study aimed to examine the development and testing of consistency for a model designed to evaluate the structure of effectiveness in public transportation schedule management using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in Thailand. The public transportation system is very important to Thailand’s development, especially with regards to socio-economic aspects. This study used a quantitative research methodology and quantitative analysis to obtain the results. The participants comprised 320 RFID industrial entrepreneurs in Thailand selected by stratified random sampling, and the distributed questionnaires were analyzed using structural equation analysis. The research found that the testing of the structural relationship showed the effectiveness of public transportation by using RFID in Thailand. The consistency of the model was analyzed by chi-square =χ2 /df=1.348 GFI=0.972 AGFI=0.947 CFI=1.00 RMSEA=0.033 to show that the model was consistent with the empirical data. This research study indicated that the business environment is an important factor that influences public transportation management in Thailand by using RFID to manage transportation systems, which would reduce production costs in business, operating hours, transportation time, and also enable observation of real-time operating hours and application of the system to develop production and other operating systems.
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