Loyalty Program, User Acceptance, Mobile Apps, Customer Relationship Management
The study focuses on the consumer perception regarding digital membership card, an trendy instrument in the customer relationship management (CRM). It adopts the Unified Theory of Acceptance of the Use of Technology 2, which takes into account the following determinants: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit. The population of the study is consumers having any membership cards. The data are collected from a random sample by using questionnaires on the Likert scale. The collected empirical data in conjunction with a multivariate regression model suggest the followings. The price value aspect is the key factor influencing the continuous intention of use of the instrument. The aspects of social influence, performance expectation, and effort expectation are more important than the hedonic motivation aspect. The findings imply that for companies to succeed with the digital CRM instrument, offering strong competitive advantages at a lower price is still important as much as the user friendliness of the device.
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