Human Resources Development, Mechanisms, Learning, Performance Appraisal, Performance Rewards, Teamwork
Purpose of the Paper: This study aimed to explore the impact of human resources development mechanisms on building teamwork.
Design/Methodology: The study has used the descriptive analytical approach, where a questionnaire was employed as the study instrument. The questionnaire consisted of (3) demographic variables and (25) items that were put together to measure the impact of human resources development mechanisms on building teamwork. The study population consisted of all male and female employees that work at five-star hotel chains in the Jordanian capital Amman, which amounts to (15) hotels up until the end of 2017, while the sample of the study consisted of (339) male and female employees, which was chosen using the stratified proportional random sample. (355) questionnaires were distributed; only (346) of them were retrieved, where the loss amounted to (9), and (7) questionnaires were excluded due to their invalidity for analysis.
Findings: The results showed that there is an impact of human resources development mechanisms and its variables (learning, performance appraisal, performance rewards) on building teamwork at (α ≤ 0.05).
Practical Implications and Originality Statement: This study will be beneficial for the hotel chains in Amman in general, and for five-star hotel chains in the Jordanian capital Amman and its affiliations in specific. This study can motivate the hotel chains in Jordan to design an accurate strategy that might help them increase the teamwork among their employees.
The researcher certifies that the intellectual content of this paper is the product of her own work and that it has not been submitted elsewhere. The researcher also certifies that all the assistance received in preparing it as well as sources have been acknowledged.
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