Social media antecedents, social media marketing, brand loyalty and purchase intention
The aim of this study was to explore the effects of the antecedents of social media marketing, brand loyalty and purchase intention. Furthermore, the study aims at investigating the effect of social media marketing on brand loyalty and purchase intention. Finally, the study seeks to identify the effect of brand loyalty on purchase intention. In order to achieve the study objectives, a questionnaire was developed based on prior literature and a sample of customers consisting of 500 participants was selected in order to collect the required data. The model of the study was developed theoretically and then tested using structural equation modeling. The results confirmed that social media antecedents significantly affect three constructs: social media marketing, brand loyalty and customer purchase intention. In line with numerous previous studies, the results indicated that social media marketing significantly affects both brand loyalty and customer purchase intention. Finally, the findings showed that brand loyalty has a significant effect on customer purchase intention. Based on these results, it was concluded that organizations should pay more attention to the antecedents of social media marketing since it has direct effects on social media marketing application, brand loyalty and customer purchase intention. Despite the importance of these results, the study is still limited to measurements used to evaluate constructs, since these measurements were built on a small number of indicators, its cross-sectional design and a little number of antecedents being explored. Considering these limitations in the future might reveal different results. However, since the effect degree of social media marketing application is greater than the degree of the same construct on brand loyalty and purchase intention, social marketing application was not approved to play a mediating role between theses constructs. Hence, the major contribution of this study is that social media antecedents are no less important than the application of social media marketing itself. In other words, for organizations to ensure an effective application of social media marketing, an eye on its antecedents would bring the benefits of social media marketing into the light, which, in turn, would affect brand loyalty and customer purchase intention.
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