
Service quality, customer satisfaction, internet provision, Zimbabwe


The purpose of the research was to examine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction amongst customers in the internet service provision sector of Zimbabwe. In the study, service quality consisted of six dimensions, namely, reliability, empathy, responsiveness, tangibles, location and price. The study employed a cross-sectional quantitative design from which a sample of 341 successfully completed questionnaires were obtained. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23 software. Multiple regression was performed to ascertain the cause-effect relationship between the independent variables (namely, reliability, empathy, responsiveness, tangibles, location and price) and the dependent variable (customer satisfaction). The results of the study indicated that reliability, responsiveness and price displayed a positive statistically significant impact on customer satisfaction.  On the other hand, empathy, tangibles and location were noted as not having a statistically significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.  The main implication for internet service providers in Zimbabwe is that responsiveness and prices-sensitive offerings are key to satisfying customers.

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