
Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Electronic Communication Channels, Customization Strategy, intentions to repeat electronic transactions, positive words of mouth, Electronic Banking Satisfaction.


Identifying factors that influence customer's e-loyalty is paramount for commercial banks to develop successful marketing strategies to form a broad base of customers that practice online transaction.  So, this study aimed to investigate the impact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) dimensions (customization strategy, electronic communication channels) on Electronic loyalty of customers through electronic banking satisfaction as a mediator Variable in Egyptian commercial banks. A quantitative approach was followed using questionnaire, the sample consisted of 370 customers practicing online transaction. Data were collected from a convenience sample; a questionnaire was pretested using confirmatory factor analysis to assess the measurement model. Structural equation modeling was performed to examine the relation between latent variables. The study concluded: that the changing customer dynamic in Egyptian commercial banks is being driven by the move away from physical bank branches a phenomenon drive by the need to reduce costs, a significant correlation between the of E-CRM and intention to repeat electronic transactions and providing positive words of mouth, thus achieving electronic loyalty, and the electronic banking satisfaction is not a mediator in influencing the relationship between E-CRM dimensions and providing positive Words of mouth and intention to Repeat electronic transactions. So, managers will likely increase E- loyalty of customers by improving contact with customers and balancing their needs and Services customization to them, predisposing positively customer’s attitudes towards the banks. 

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