
Brand Engagement, Online Brand Experience, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Trust, Egypt.


This study measures the impact of customer brand engagement (CBE) on brand satisfaction, loyalty, and trust through the online brand experience in the Egyptian banking sector based on the customers’ perspective. Electronic questionnaires were developed to collect data. Data collected from 392 questionnaires was analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Findings indicated that CBE has a significant positive impact on brand satisfaction, trust, and loyalty respectively via the online brand experience. This study contributes to knowledge development by focusing on the importance of CBE and its consequences in the online service sector, which is still uncovered. Besides, this study offers guidelines to the service providers with valuable meanings for CBE to enhance brand’s satisfaction, trust and loyalty via developing a unique online brand experience particularly in the Egyptian banking sector, which is witnessing now a new era of digital transformation.

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