Leadership styles, employee motivation, autocratic leadership, democratic, laissez-faire, situational leadership, transformational and charismatic leadership style, automobile industry
Purpose: The effectiveness of leadership is critical at all levels of the organisation. Different organisations use a variety of leadership styles and methods to improve employee performance by inspiring them and providing them with adequate opportunities. The research purpose is to examine the impact of leadership styles on employee’s motivation in the automotive industry in the United Kingdom.
Methodology: The researchers used a deductive approach in conjunction with the quantitative method to determine the study's outcomes. A sample of 100 people was used for primary data using a questionnaire-based survey. Subjects are from the automotive industry, and the survey was carried out online.
Findings: According to the results, Democratic Leadership Style (DLS), Autocratic Leadership Style (ALS), Laissez-faire Leadership Style (LFLS), Situational Leadership Style (SLS), Transformational Leadership Style (TLS), and Charismatic Leadership Style (CLS) are among the six study variables that are highly significant in terms of employee motivation. Autocratic Leadership Style (ALS) and Charismatic Leadership Style (CLS) were determined to be the study's less significant variables (CLS). The findings suggest that there is a positive relationship between leadership styles and employee motivation.
Conclusion and study implications: The findings of this study can be used to develop strategies and achieve goals by developing and implementing a good leadership style. Transformational leadership is important, and leaders and managers should strive to demonstrate it in their daily activities. This study's findings have both academic and commercial implications. Leaders should use suitable styles and an inclusive and equitable incentive scheme to motivate employees by setting expectations.
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