Social network analysis (SNA), Knowledge Management (KM), social network theory (SNT). Graph theory, Social Comparison theory, dyadic relationship
At the core of human resource management (HRM) is the way ‘’inter-relationship among the stakeholders in an organisation is managed’’, ‘’objective criteria are applied to goal-setting processes’’ and how ‘’HRM contributes to the creation of tangible value in the form of knowledge-based outputs.’’ Hence, the process of knowledge management of storing and sharing in regard to its processes, techniques and operations is linked to HRM practices of effective management of this inter-relationship. The research enquires into how human resource development focuses on building the entrepreneurial resilience, a key ability of entrepreneurs to overcome challenges and adapt to uncertainties, particularly during this era of Covid-19 pandemic. The efforts of organisational leadership, which needs to appropriate these inter-relationships to a social context either India or Bangladesh, always can be aided by a host of social network theories. Within remit of this discourse, the research would like to pursue the questions such as how the role of gender in the economic development process has been increasingly recognized as crucial, both in terms of potential for success and in the nature of the impact of particular development strategies and programs. Addressing these questions, thus, can help us to arrive at the possible HR interventions in this regard. The direction of the current research emerges from the interpretation of the variants such as knowledge workers, knowledge management templates and tools, expected gender roles of social actors, resource allocation, etc. The research proceeds to enquire how these variants are explained by these social network theories, their limitations and if some of these need to be repurposed in the view of emerging challenges posed by knowledge workers and their belonging industries.
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