consumer behaviour, influential factors, first impression, staff service, smile
Purpose – This research study aims to examine different influential elements that affect consumer behaviour starting from their arrival at check-in and throughout the check-out process in the context of Marriott International Inc., using case study observation and interview methods within a qualitative and quantitative paradigm. It endeavours to identify how certain positive influential factors can contribute to ultimate vacation experiences and therefore provide a competitive advantage to Marriott International Inc.
Design/methodology/approach – This report is grounded on primary research. The empirical framework is based on literatures on potentially influential factors at hotel check-in and check-out that affect consumer behaviour. The research design involved the use of systematic and rigorous methods, including observation, interviewing and data analysis, to test hypotheses and validate research findings. Primary data was collected with the combination of observation of consumers and interviews with management. It aims to establish a reliable and valid relationship between theoretical concepts such as first impressions and observable phenomena in the real world, which can help to inform practice and improve our understanding of consumer behaviour.
Findings – The study found that there are five factors that can greatly influence consumer behaviour, including first impression, smile, staff, service, and waiting time. These factors were categorised into positive, negative, dependent, and bipolar categories, and were shown to have a significant impact on both consumer behaviour and business operations.
Practical implications – The study finds certain behavioural elements impact on the effectiveness of provided service while specific influential factors improve the overall experience. Hence the organisation with the consideration of positive service components can provide exceptional service which enhances consumer loyalty.
Originality/value – This paper represents the first academic research undertaken at Marriott International Inc. to investigate various influential factors that affect consumer behaviour and their implication for its success.
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