Is information quality on a shopping website a deciding factor for South African consumers?
Since the development of the Internet and the web, various aspects of society have changed, including the way business is conducted, how information is shared and gathered, and how goods and services are purchased (Shanthi &Kannaiah, 2015:14). Consumers are now able to shop online with an abundance of information readily available at their fingertips. Particularly with the increasing use of social media which has influenced a number of online shopping activities namely finding ideas, researching goods, looking for promotions and sharing purchases online (Morisson, 2014).The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of information quality factors on online shopping. The results of the study could assist online retailers to better target consumers by having a better understanding of the influence of information quality on their online shopping. Primary data was collected by means of self-administered Internet surveys. Respondent demographics and online shopping activity were firstly identified, followed by the influence of information quality factors. The research found that all information quality factors influence online shopping, however secureness was the most influential factor. By having a thorough understanding of the influence of information quality for online shopping, online retailers can ensure that consumers’ cost of searching for goods are reduced.
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A study on parameters of online reviews content that influence consumers buying behaviour- an Indian perspective
The 21st century customer is passionate about gaining knowledge. The availability and affordability of internet has created an edge for people to connect to a social network and exchange information. It has encouraged different online activities for consumers such as blogging, chatting, gaming, and messaging. The virtual space has helped this range of people involve to share posts or online reviews more quickly. Hence it is today believed online social networks are good platform for consumers to gather information and advice. All that a consumer shares as an opinion value add to the company’s reputation. Reputation is viewed as an asset. This value can be damaged when a consumer share negative reviews. It reduces the brand image of a company that promises to deliver high-quality products.
The present study tries to fill the gap in the literature relating online product or service reviews in influencing the consumer buying behaviour. The objective of the study is to understand the parameters of review content on which consumer check online reviews before buying a product or service. To achieve the research objectives of the present study, a descriptive research design is used with primary data collection methodology through a structured questionnaire. The sample size for the study is 104. The analysis was conducted through mean, one sample t-test and correlations. The study identified that consumers view online reviews such as understanding quality of the product, product usage information, cost benefit of the product, information relevant to deals or discounts, and product information on warranty or guarantee or replacement details, Brand reputation among reviewers, Sales service availability for deciding to buy. It was observed that parameters of online review content influence the consumer’s decision to buy.
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The effect of quality culture on university performance
Higher Education sector of any country plays a pivotal role in national development. If such a key sector is weak, there is every likelihood that research, development and innovation will be week. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of quality culture on university performance. The hypothesis was developed based on the extant literature. Data were collected from Nigerian universities via a structured questionnaire survey using the entire census. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study’s hypothesis. The result revealed that quality culture had a significant positive effect on university performance. Based on the empirical evidence, quality culture is paramount to the success of university; therefore, universities should develop a good practice of quality culture for better performance. Improved university performance can address the problem of low-quality universities. The outcome of this study provides significant contributions to the literature.
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Retail loyalty programmes: relationships between the customer and the retailer in South Africa-an exploratory study
Loyalty Programmes are increasing in number and complexity in South Africa. The aim of this study was to establish how members of consumer loyalty programmes in the supermarket environment felt about the benefits that were offered by various programmes. It examined the possibility of the formation of relationships towards the retailer including customer loyalty. The qualitative study was operationalised through a number of focus groups directed at programme members. Information gained from this initial study contributed towards the construction of a quantitative questionnaire to be aimed at a larger audience on a national scale.
The quantitative research found that participants exhibited different feelings towards the various forms of loyalty programme. Those offering tangible and immediate rewards were favoured, although this did not mean that other options were disregarded. Results should also be of considerable interest to both academics and retailers who are considering offering a loyalty programme.
“This work is based on the research supported in part by the National Research Foundation” of South Africa for the grant, Unique Grant No. 99287 and Unique Grant No: 98270. Any opinion, finding and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material is that of the author(s) and the NRF does not accept any liability in this regard”. - View article
Influence of quality relationship and satisfaction on loyalty: study on supplier in Indonesia
This study examined the nature of linkages between the quality relationship, satisfaction and customer loyalty. Furthermore, trust, commitment and involvement of product categories also tested to see its effect on the relationship quality. This study was conducted in a business-to-business setting of loyalty supermarket suppliers in Indonesia. The researchers employed 265 respondents of SMEs suppliers of vegetable and fruit in the supermarket as the sample. This research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analysis the relationship. The results revealed that the relationship quality and satisfaction effect on loyalty. The overall goodness of fit statistics shows that the structural model fits the data well.
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An empirical analysis of sectoral indices movement in Malaysian stock market
The aim of this study is to investigate the dynamic movement between sectoral indices in the Malaysian Stock Market and the three macroeconomic variables, namely oil price (OP), gold price (GP), and exchange rate (ER) during the period 1995-2014. Using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillip Perron unit root test, the underlying series are tested as non-stationary at the level but stationary in first difference. The use of Johansen-Juselius (1990) Multivariate Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model indicate that there is long run linkages between macroeconomic variable and sectoral indices specifically in Technology sector. Meanwhile, the analysis based on Vector Auto regression Model technique indicates that there are short run linkages between macroeconomic variable and sectoral indices namely Financial, Industrial, Consumer Product, Industrial Product, Properties and Trade and Service.
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Does knowledge based psychological ownership matter? Transformational leadership and knowledge hiding: A proposed framework
The prevalent and negative impact of knowledge hiding behaviour among employees has called the attention of both practitioners and researchers to begin investigations on its causes, and other factors that influence it on both the targets and perpetrators. Some of the possible suggested antecedents of knowledge hiding studied include trust, job characteristic, organisational culture, and workplace environment. Despite these studies, few have attempted to investigate the influence of leadership, particularly, transformational leadership on knowledge hiding. Previous studies also indicated conflicting results, and the mechanisms through which transformational leadership influences knowledge hiding are not adequately addressed. Therefore, mediator variable is suggested. Hence, this paper proposes knowledge psychological ownership as a potential mediator on the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge hiding behaviour of an employee in the organization. We hereby argue that transformational leadership through knowledge psychological ownership will influence employees to refrain from the knowledge hiding behaviour that may negatively affect the organisation and encourage knowledge sharing to improve the performance of the organization.
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The effect of family and internal control on family firm performance: evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
The majority of companies listed on IDX are family companies, which have several advantages and disadvantages that affect firm performance. The results of previous studies on the influence of family firms are still inconsistent.
This study aims at determining the effect of family control as measured by family ownership and family involvement on the corporate performance; and describing the influence of internal control as performed by independent commissioner and audit committee on the performance of family firms with the control variables are firm size and firm age. The population of this study was all family companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Meanwhile, the sample used was purposive sampling. There were 76 companies from the entire family companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2010 to 2014 which met the criteria so that the overall observed data were 380.
The analysis tool used was a multiple linear regression. The results show that partially, family ownership, independent commissioner and the control variables, firm size and age, have a positive and significant impact on the firm performance. On the other hand, respectively, family involvement and audit committee have a significantly negative and insignificantly negative impact on the performance of the company.
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Arranging events for entrepreneurs: waste of money or value for money
The majority of companies listed on IDX are family companies, which have several advantages and disadvantages that affect firm performance. The results of previous studies on the influence of family firms are still inconsistent.
This study aims at determining the effect of family control as measured by family ownership and family involvement on the corporate performance; and describing the influence of internal control as performed by independent commissioner and audit committee on the performance of family firms with the control variables are firm size and firm age. The population of this study was all family companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Meanwhile, the sample used was purposive sampling. There were 76 companies from the entire family companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2010 to 2014 which met the criteria so that the overall observed data were 380.
The analysis tool used was a multiple linear regression. The results show that partially, family ownership, independent commissioner and the control variables, firm size and age, have a positive and significant impact on the firm performance. On the other hand, respectively, family involvement and audit committee have a significantly negative and insignificantly negative impact on the performance of the company.
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Antecedents of absorptive capacity: A proof of proposition
The absorptive capacity of the craftsmen in Small Crafts Industry (SCI) to identify new value, and then assimilate and apply it for commercial purposes and win the competition is very necessary to study. This is based on observation that the absorptive capacity of the SCI is relatively low, which leads to lower competitiveness. Around 21 (twenty one) SCI in Gianyar, Bali Province, change their business into other businesses due to being unable to compete in the crafts industry and their absorptive capacity to assimilate and apply new values and new technologies is considered low.
This research aims to (1) develop the proposition concept of the influence of creative leadership towards absorptive capacity; (2) attest to the influence of the knowledge-sharing on the absorptive capacity; (3) attest to the influence of creative leadership towards knowledge sharing, and; (4) develop the concept of mediating role of knowledge sharing over the influence of creative leadership against absorptive capacity. The study was done in Gianyar Regency, with a sample of 90 Small Industry Craftsmen (SCI) in 7 (seven) subdistricts. The analysis tool used was the Partial Least Square (PLS). This research identified that the proposition which states that creative leadership influences absorptive capacity is proven positive and significant. Knowledge sharing gives a positive and significant effect on the absorptive capacity. Creative leadership significantly and positively affects knowledge sharing; furthermore, knowledge sharing has been found having partial mediating role over the influence of creative leadership on absorptive capacity. - View article
Brand awareness of 'generation y' customers towards doughnut retail outlets in India
The Research is all about knowing the customers acquiring top of mind recall about doughnut retail outlets in Bangalore city, India through various methods. Once the brand is established in the minds of the consumers, it occupies a unique position and special meaning and value is generated. Brand awareness is the consumer’s conscious or unconscious decision, expressed through intention or behavior, to repurchase a brand continually. In order to create brand loyalty, advertisers must break consumer habits, help them to acquire new habits and reinforce those habits by reminding consumers of their purchase and encourage them to continue purchasing those products in the future. ‘Generation Y’ refers to customers millennial, the generation of people born during the 1980s and early 2000s. ‘Generation Y’ consumer's access social media on daily basis but they often ignore advertisements that are targeted to them. The previous research works on’ Generation Y’ customers emphasize that marketers must focus on social media marketing to draw the attention of these customers. Determining the brand awareness of ‘Generation Y’ customers was considered, in order to know the present level of awareness about the doughnut brands, increase the customer traffic and sales as ‘Generation Y’ customers are the target customers for doughnut retail outlets.
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Choosing a strategic process in order to apply in Lean Six Sigma methodology for improving its performance using integrative approaches of BSC and DEA
Most of organizations use much of their focus and attention to solve problems, difficulties and weaknesses in their systems and processes to increase productivity and consequently to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the global business arena. Organizations spend lots of time and resources to plan and develop their strategies; however most of them fail in the implementation of the strategy. Organizations try to achieve success through integrated performance of processes and technology to respond to the needs of their customers. Nowadays, application of Lean Six Sigma methodology is so applicable for organizations that operate in the competitive world. The importance of implementing the Lean Six Sigma in an organization is that the considered problem or process be discovered properly and selection of process beat the direction of organization's goals. In this way, organization can be targeted to take steps towards continuous improvement by improving the process performance.
The purpose of this research is choosing a strategic process through the Ghavamin Bank accounting group processes to improve the performance through application of Lean Six Sigma methodology. For this purpose, for selection of the process, first the criteria for choosing a strategic process were identified through six main measures of Balanced Scorecard and also by using the expert opinions. Consequently, information related to accounting group processes were collected through a database of Ghavamin Bank different units as well as interviews with Bank experts.Finally, using cross efficiency data envelopment analysis model, the performances of the processes were evaluated. The results showed that the process No. 18 ranked at the first place and it was introduced as the bank's strategic process to make continuous improvement in the Lean Six Sigma methodology.
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A causality model of people equity, VRIN resource, social capital, innovation capability and SMEs performance
This research purpose is to test and analyze the influence of: 1) people equity, VRIN resources, innovation capability towards SMEs performance; 2) social capital and people equity toward innovation capability; 3) social capital towards people equity; and 4) social capital towards VRIN resources. The population in this research is all group produces of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kasongan Clay Crafts Centers which is the biggest one in Indonesia, located on Bantul Regency, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). The sampling technique that is used in this research is purposive sampling with amount of sample 237 SMEs. Whereas, statistic technique used in this research is Partial Least Square. Conclusion of this research is: 1) people equity, VRIN resources, and innovation capability have a significant positive result toward innovation capability; 2) social capital and people equity have a significant positive result toward innovation capability; 3) social capital has a significant positive result towards People Equity; 4) social capital has a significant positive result towards VRIN Resources.
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Assessing accounting student's performance in "cognitive misfit" condition
This research is built by using the basic of cognitive misfit theory (Chan 1996) which explains that the incompatibility between individuals cognitive style in problem solving and work demands will cause a decrease in performance. The previous research shown that cognitive style can affect the performance in variety of assessment methods (Au 1997) but up until now, not clear, however, is the impact of cognitive style on a student’s accounting task performance. Besides, this research proposes that diminished performance will occur when there is incongruence between a student’s cognitive style and the cognitive demands of an accounting task. This research used an experimental method, and examined for 60 students using a 2x2 between subjects experimental design. The result of this study shows that student’s cognitive style will have no direct impact on his/her accounting task performance, and student’s problem solving ability is directly related to his/her accounting task performance, but the effect of cognitive misfit not impacted performance on accounting task.
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How should strategy prevail if organisations are seen as having the properties of complex adaptive systems?
Conventional organisations are continuously and increasingly becoming more complex and turbulent and there is a need for an alternative conception of strategy-making to assist them. Several strategy formulation approaches have surfaced over the years and a few have been utilised. Conventional strategy-making has been assumed to be a decision process involving a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) followed by subsequent implementation. Research in strategy started with an interest in a single actor focusing on the characteristics and choices of top management disregarding the messiness of the process. Starting from the 1970’s, we review systematic studies that contrast the perspectives approach to strategy where the metaphor of a "messier emergent process” is preferred. Thus, Mintzberg (1978), Grant (2003), Mason (2007) and Bodhanya (2011) view strategy-making within organisations as operating within the context of dynamical systems. We argue that for organisations to achieve organisational success in today’s turbulent and complex environment, a different approach, dissimilar to traditional conventional organisations which has proved to be incapable and unsuitable in designing strategies that are able to address complex problems in real world situations, is required. At the same time, for strategies to enjoy the full support of middle managers and employees, remain competitive, relevant and successful in implementation in their local complex, turbulent environment, there is a dire need to adopt different ways of formulating strategy in their organisations.
This paper proposes a different theoretical perspective of managing complex, turbulent environment organisation through the Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) approach.
AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the University of KwaZulu Natal for funding this publication.
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Influence of differentiation strategy on performance of hotels: the moderating role of environmental munificence
This study investigates whether environmental munificence directly and indirectly predicts the relationship between differentiation strategy and performance. A total of 83 managers from hotels in Kano state were participated. A questionnaire was administered to collect information on socio-demographics and on differentiation strategy, environmental munificence, and performance. Results revealed that differentiation strategy, environmental munificence was positively associated with performance. Environmental munificence fully moderates the relationships of differentiation strategy and performance. This article, apart from its contribution to the business strategy research, has meaningful implications for managers and policy-makers, the future research directions are discussed.
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The influence of educational e-services, advising support, available information, and knowledge acquired on customer satisfaction:The Egyptian private higher education
Egypt is one of the significant nations in the district, particularly with its high populace. Although, the Egyptian Higher Education (HE) is the largest in the MENA region, and despite the clear investments in ICT, it still faces serious challenges chief amongst these is students’ satisfaction. Recognizing that universities compete to attract and satisfy students; the main aim of this paper is to investigate the main factors that affect students’ satisfaction in HE in Egypt.
The study focuses on factors like Educational E-Services, Advising Support, Available Information, and Knowledge Acquired. 400 Egyptian HE students at private universities were randomly selected and surveyed using a self-administered structured questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale, where 133 valid questionnaires were returned. Data collected was coded and statistically analysed using SPSS.
When data was tested using chi-square and correlations, significant differences were proven, enabling researchers to reject the null hypotheses. When results were brought together, Educational E-Services, Advising Support, Available Information, and Knowledge Acquired were found to have a significant impact on the Egyptian customer satisfaction at HE. However, the Advising Support is the most influential factor among all variables. Therefore, it requires special attention of decision makers and academics; especially in the Egyptian context, where HE is highly effective with such high population.
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Analysis of the problems and development prospects of the oil refining industry of Russia
Present article is dedicated to the analysis of problems of the oil industry of Russia and is aimed at the development of a mechanism for its growth. The research is based on the results of the economic analysis that has been carried out on the basis of statistical data from the government and major oil companies as well as on the basis of analytical reports of independent companies. Among the main identified problems of the oil refining industry it can be mentioned following problems: insufficient volumes of raw material processing, lack of refinery capacities, remote location of oil extraction and refinery plants from the end users and unbalanced tax system in the industry. Specified problems are being solved on the level of companies and the state that brings results, however, there is no clear development mechanism of the oil refining industry so far. The authors suggest a development scheme for the Russian oil refining industry implying cooperation of businesses and the state. The implementation of the proposed scheme will ensure the investments for the extension of production and obtaining a product with a higher added value as well as increasing the competitiveness of the Russian oil products.
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Responsible marketing for tourism destinations: Saint Catherine Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt
In the tourism industry, environmental management is a critical component for sustaining competitive advantage (Barrett, 1992), starting to recognize environmental improvement as an economic and competitive opportunity, rather than an annoying cost or inevitable threat. Unfortunately, there has been no consistent approach to environmental marketing practices in tourism. Some destinations neglect their environmental obligations, perhaps due to lack of guidelines and examples of best practice, or perhaps because they don’t understand the benefits. Others exploit environmental communication for short-term gains, or fail to tell visitors about their environmental initiatives (Wight, 1994). A field survey was conducted based on qualitative approach, in order to investigate tourism and ecological experts 'opinions about specific environmental issues helping in applying responsible marketing for fragile areas. The purpose of the study is to highlight the complex relationship between tourism marketing and the environment protection responsibility and recommending environmentally responsible actions to Egyptian travel companies selling eco holidays, thus helping in the development of sustainable competitive strategies.
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Determinants of financial stability: an empirical study of commercial banks listed in Muscat Security Market
This study aims to explain the factors that have an effect on financial banking stability measured by Z- score as determinants of all six banks listed in MSM of Oman over the period 2008 to 2014. The four factors used are bank specific factor measured by income diversity and size of bank, banking sector measured by concentration in market and P/E ratio, macroeconomics factor measured by inflation and gross demotic product growth and external governance measured by size of government and regulation. This study used OLS regression analysis and shows there is a significant impact of income diversity variable and P/E ratio. Multiple regressions shows only specific bank and banking sector factors are significant. Finally, all independent factors are statistical impact on financial banking stability. The researcher recommends is to build system for detection of risks in the banking sector to maintain financial banking stability and mitigate the power crises.
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